This is a great way to take advantage of Ontario Red Pepper season. Buy a bushel and freeze to have on hand throughout the winter. I love to use them to make Basque Style Cod, Roasted Red Pepper soup, on homemade pizza, sandwich topping, or seasoned with fresh garlic, olive oil and fresh minced parsley as a side dish. The list is endless. These recipes will be posted soon.
All you need is peppers, containers with lids, big stainless steel bowls and plastic wrap.
Begin by firing up the barbecue. Rinse all your peppers and grill on high until they are roasted and blistered all over, turning them as they roast. Place in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. This allows them to steam as they cool so that the skins peel off easily.

Once they are cool enough for you to handle, begin to slip off the skins with your hands and remove seeds. Divide into containers, let cool to room temperature then cover with lids and pop in the freezer.